Eranas – Finance Minister (Finance Minister) Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that the Government is optimistic about Indonesia’s economy by 2019, although it still warns that vigilance is maintained amidst the turmoil of a dynamic global situation.
Government optimism is based among others on the performance of the 2018 State Budget (APBN) which is considered good even though the world economic conditions are full of uncertainty and rapid and dynamic changes.
This was conveyed by the Minister of Finance at a working meeting between the Government, Bank Indonesia (BI) and the House Commission XI with the theme “Economic Outlook in 2019” in the Commission XI Meeting Room, Nusantara I Building, Jakarta (01) / 16). As representatives of the Government are the Minister of Finance, Minister of PPN / Head of Bappenas Bambang Brodjonegoro and Head of BPS Kecuk Suharyanto along with their respective staff.
“For 2019, with the performance of the 2018 State Budget showing strong momentum throughout economic growth, we are still optimistic that this 2019 momentum will be maintained. Although we are not satisfied with the possible risks, so vigilance remains high, but optimism is based on achievements in 2018 “the momentum is quite high,” said the Minister of Finance, expressed optimism about Indonesia’s economic predictions in 2019.
Some indicators of the success of the 2018 State Budget performance include:
1. State revenues reached Rp1,942.3 trillion or 102.5% exceeding the National Budget Act target.
2. The total realization of state expenditure is Rp. 2,202.2 trillion or 99.2% of the target in the National Budget Law. Total expenditure realization almost reached 100%.
3. The budget deficit is Rp. 259.9 trillion (1.76% of GDP) and the primary balance deficit is only Rp. 1.8 trillion. The budget deficit is lower than the 2018 State Budget Law of Rp. 325.9 trillion or 2.19%. Even if compared to the previous year the budget deficit fell 2.51% to 1.76% or dropped very sharply. As a result, the primary balance is only Rp1.8 trillion (0.01). The lowest budget deficit and primary balance deficit since 2012.
Furthermore, the Minister of Finance added that the Government will continue to maintain the momentum of achieving the National Budget in 2018 with several strategic policies including optimizing state revenues while maintaining an investment climate, improving the quality of state spending, pro-people development policies such as reducing poverty and welfare that are equitable and empowering BUMN.
In line with the Minister of Finance, Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI Governor) Perry Warjiyo expressed his optimism that Indonesia’s economy in 2019 will be better than in 2018.
“God willing, in 2019, our estimates of our economic performance will be better than 2018 with higher economic growth with safer macroeconomic stability,” said the BI Governor. (Kemenkeu)
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